可听可读幼儿故事大王: 最好听的故事 HD

4.2 ( 1922 ratings )
التعليم كتاب
المطور: ChildRoad Inc.
0.99 USD

ChildRoad Read-N-Listen Book Series:"Kindergarten Story King: The Best Stories" collected the best stories from Zhou Rui and other famous authors of contemporary childrens books. These famous masterpieces are beautiful and touching. They can properly cultivate a childs mind, open the door of wisdom, and let the child learn the world through enjoyable reading.

The book is narrated by passionate professional Chinese narrator. Words are highlighted along with the voice. Your child can enjoy the story, pictures and authentic Chinese narration all at the same time, helping improve ones overall language skills of reading, listening and speaking. Or, parents can turn off the screen and let your child listen to the book as an audio book, protecting the childs eyes from over watching screens.




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